Friday, December 4, 2009

Gearing Up for a Miniconference!

Plans are well underway for our first ever BCRC Miniconference. We're still confirming our keynote speaker, but we have many confirmed session presenters that range from preschool through middle and high school areas. They include reading, writing, technology integration and so much more!

We still have a few open slots, so if you're thinking about presenting, we're extending the deadline until December 15th. Email for a form:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Our First Meeting of the Year

Membership was the focus of our first meeting. In fact, if you haven't renewed your membership, please continue to support our organization. We need you.

For membership information, please email

In addition to membership, we had a wonderful presentation by Robin Cox. Robin works with literacy coaches in Beaufort County. She spoke on the topic of assessment of writing. She asked, “How can we help our students become critical readers and writers?” Robin related how to use the state standards and support documents to inform instruction in writing. She showed a kindergarten teacher and her students conferencing about writing. Robin shared supportive handouts on the topic of writing assessment for grades k-5.

More than 50 were in attendance. Door prizes, refreshments, great information and lots of good conversation among colleagues was shared by all. We look forward to more great meetings, as well as community projects and one sure-to-be fantastic conference this year. We hope you'll jump in and "dig into literacy" with us.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall Meeting and Membership

Things are finalized...sorry it took so long!

Our first meeting of the year will be held at Robert Smalls Middle School at 4:15 on Thursday, October 8th. This will be an important meeting for the council and all of our members.

We'll have an excellent guest speaker, Robin Cox. She is a national presenter, Heinemann author and inspiring speaker.

Plans for the school year will be discussed. Now that we're established as a chartered council of the IRA, it's time to get involved in the community and make a difference in the literacy developement for some who need help.

We'll also be discussing our upcoming mini-conference to be held on January 30th at USCB South Campus. We'll talk about the upcoming deadline for proposals for presentations as well as a nice combo-deal for renewing your BCRC membership and paying your conference fee at the same time.

We hope you'll come, renew your membership and perhaps even get involved in some of our planned projects. See you there!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy New School Year!!

I hope everyone is enjoying the start to the new school year. The Beaufort County Reading Council will be in its first full year and we plan to pack it full of new opportunities for you. Soon to come will be information on our first meeting which will be a good time to come out and renew your membership, or sign up for a new one. You don't have to wait though. If you would like to renew sooner than that email our membership director at Our dues are just $10 and $5 for students.

Some of the many things we have in mind for this year include community service projects, community outreach, a newsletter and a mini-conference. In fact you can pre-register for the mini-conference when you renew your membership for a discount!! Ask Suelyn for more infomation.

Check back soon for more information on dates, times and locations. We'll be DIGGING INTO LITERACY soon!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

BCRC Beach Bash

Yummy food, fantastic stories and good times were all a part of our final meeting of the 2008-09 school year. It's been a whirlwind of a year with getting the council up and running. We're now officially a charter of the IRA and have much to look forward to next year!

To begin the meeting, Bonnie Goltz shared some great resources with us about nifty ways to make books with children. She modeled one way for us and invited all to pick up some paper and scissors and make one to take home as a model.

Next, Joan Stevenson wowed the crowd with picture books for the youngest children to middle school-aged children to parents and grandparents. She shared wonderful stories about her own family as well as the picture books themselves.

Here are just some of the titles she shared with us:
Dear Child
Bugs (poetry)
Sea Shapes (poetry)
When You Were Born
Because Daddy Loves You
The Puzzle of the Platypus (grades 5+)
What A Beautiful Day (counting book for the very young)
Say Daddy
When Donkeys Fly

(I apologize for not getting all of the authors names.)

Joan mentioned that if you have any questions about these books or any others you can email her at

Attendance was low this time. The weather wasn't very nice and it is a busy time of the year. We're sorry we conflicted with many other gatherings. We are going to continue to try to avoid that in the future. Please vote to the right as to what time of the day you would prefer we hold meetings. We want to make sure that we are accessible to all who want to participate.
If you haven't filled in your end of the year feedback form, please send it in. We value your input. If you need another one, email me and I'll be happy to send you another one.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our Next and Final Meeting for 08-09 - Let's Get into the Spirit of Summertime

Our next BCRC meeting and our last one for this school year will be held on May 21st at 4:15 in Okatie Elementary's Library.

You'll get to munch on some "sand" wiches, sit down near a colorful towel, and share "buckets" of snacks as we transport ourselves to a nearby beach. We have so much in store for you.

Joan Stevenson, retired teacher, former state coordinator for the SCIRA and founder of T.K.O.—Turn Kids On, will be presenting at this meeting. She will be traveling to us from the Rock Hill area and we are thrilled to have her with us sharing books and ideas.

We will have our Idea Share Make and Take on making
little books presented by Bonnie Goltz.

To celebrate the end of the school year, our start as a council and the beginning of the new year to come, we’ll be having a “white elephant” exchange. Bring a teacher item that you don’t need, but just can’t seem to toss…. Or if you don’t have such a thing, you’re welcome to bring a new item.

As usual we'll have many treasures to give away as doorprizes some of which were supplied by the IRA, International Reading Association, in recognition of our newly approved charter!! We hope to see you there!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 12th - Books for Everyone

Our second meeting meeting was another success. Attendance was down a bit, leading us to have a conversation about the day we choose to meet. Thursdays seem to yield a lot of competing mandatory events throughout the county. Please take a moment to vote for your choice of day, so we can better serve everyone for 09-10.

Our meeting began with a membership report by Suelyn Brooks announcing we've grown to more than 70 members! That's incredible. Thank you to everyone who has supported us by becoming a member this first year. We hope you'll renew for next year as we have some great things planned. A local BCRC newsletter, mini-conference and Saturday Brunch are all in the works. Jan Sparks shared with us a treasury report letting us know that we're on our way to having a working budget.

We began our new regular segment at this meeting, our "Idea Share." Anyone from our membership can share a quick 5-10 minutes on something they've learned through professional development or something that's been working in their experiences with children. Leah Roche from Beaufort High School shared wonderful ideas about a project she's been using to combine literacy and technology while enticing kids to pick up a book they may enjoy. The concept was developed along with Jessica Mangum, the Media Specialist at Hilton Head High School, who wanted something promoting books and reading to run all the time at a kiosk. The project has grown to involve the kids creating their own "Book Bitz" using Movie Maker and Powerpoint in conjunction with Teen Tech Week.

Susan Olsen, Diane Wiggins, and Laurie Allenbach, from Barnes and Noble Booksellers at Indigo Run on Hilton Head, presented a variety of goods and services that are available at their store. Susan stated that daily she is asked to match a book with a child. She shared many book titles for younger children. Diane shared a list of books available at their store for readers between 3rd grade and high school. She also gave plot summaries for many of the books, teasing many of us to want to pick them up or match them with children. Laurie wrapped up the presentation by mentioning some of the events and services offered by Barnes and Noble including the 20% educators discount, Educator Appreciate Week which is coming up in April and in store book fairs which can be used as stress free fund raisers.

To end the meeting, we awarded many doorprizes. Attendees had written their name and their favorite book on a shamrock as they entered. Here are some of those favorites:
  • The Twilight Series
  • The Bible
  • Pink and Say
  • Panda Bear Panda Bear What Do You See?
  • Skippy yon Jones
  • Wump World
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Oh the Places You Will Go
  • The Great Gatsby
  • At Home in Mitford
  • Love You Forever
  • Something Borrowed
  • The Paperbag Princess
  • Baby
  • Harris and Me
  • Tim O'Toole and the Wee Folk

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our Next Meeting - March 12th

The newly forming Beaufort County Reading Council will be holding its second meeting on Thursday, March 12th at 4:15 in Okatie Elementary's Library.

We've listened to all of our attending members' comments and suggestions and we're happy to announce that representatives from Barnes and Noble will be presenting a book talk to include titles for all age ranges from elementary through middle and high school aged children. They will also be bringing teacher discount cards for all those who don't already have one.

Also that evening, Leslie from Teaching Carolina in Beaufort will be on hand to talk about her relocation, offer coupons, and show us some of the exciting teaching tools she has to offer.

Also as a result of your suggestions, we are implementing a new feature as a part of our meetings. We will begin each meeting with a 5 minute Idea Share when some of our own talented literacy professionals will share an idea either from their own classrooms or from a professional development opportunity they've had. Times are tough. We need to look to each other to continue to grow as professionals.

If you'd like to present an idea at an upcoming meeting, please send your information to

As always, we will have refreshments and lots of door prizes.

We need to try to meet our goal of having a contact at each school both public and private. If you'd like to be that contact for your school or organization, please leave a comment and we will add you to our list.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Membership - A HUGE Success

These totals are just in from Suelyn, Membership Director for BCRC. Last night we signed on 41 new Beaufort County Reading Council members. That's an amazing beginning!! Our Charter paperwork is complete and will be mailed today. There was a ton of positive feedback and many great suggestions. Thank you to everyone who helped organize the event. The BCRC Board members are incredible in doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Thank you to Jamie Pinckney and Okatie Elementary for hosting the event. Thank you to Ellen and Laura for helping with some of the goodies. And, thank you to all of you for coming, participating, joining and giving us wonderful feedback. We are looking forward to our next meeting on March 12th. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Watermelon ABCs & So Much More

Our first meeting went well. Guest author, Mary Beth Roulston was inspriring. We all shared great snacks and conversation. We received a lot of good feedback too. I'll write more about exact attendance and membership numbers soon, but for now here are some pictures.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our New Shirt

Here it is.... our first BCRC T-Shirt.
It will be nice to represent our new organization by wearing one!!

Order one now by emailing me:

They are only $10.00!!
We have M, L, XL and XXL ($1 extra)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our First Meeting

We will be holding our first meeting in less than two weeks. There has been and will continue to be a lot of planning. We're all very excited about it. We will be welcoming new members and partners from all across Beaufort County! If you're an educator or working to become one, you should come, join, and participate.

Where: Okatie Elementary School Library

When: Thursday, February 12th at 4:15

Who: Educators (elementary, middle, high, post-secondary, preservice)

Why: Get together with collegeaues to enjoy learning about and sharing what we love about the teaching of reading.
Hear guest author Mary Beth Hiers Roulston speak about her book Watermelon ABCs and how she teaches writing using picture books.

Friday, January 23, 2009

How It All Got Started

It was the beginning of a new school year and as usual I was reflecting on my goals for the year. One thing I planned to do was join the state reading council. I had been a member of the IRA for many years, but never joined out state's organization. So, as I was filling out the form from the SCIRA website, I noticed it said to send to my local council. I wasn't aware of one, so I began to look into it. After emailing the SCIRA, I found out there wasn't one and I could mail my payment directly to them. So my next email to them was, "If we don't have one, can we start one?" Michael Teal, the current SCIRA president and I began some back and forth emailing and before you knew it, a friend and I were heading to Columbia for a board meeting. We gathered lots of information and shook lots of hands, and we were on our way. After holding an organizational meeting and getting some key people on board here in Beaufort County, we are ready to apply for charter with the IRA. It's all very excited to watch the whole thing unfold and grow before my eyes.