Monday, October 12, 2009

Our First Meeting of the Year

Membership was the focus of our first meeting. In fact, if you haven't renewed your membership, please continue to support our organization. We need you.

For membership information, please email

In addition to membership, we had a wonderful presentation by Robin Cox. Robin works with literacy coaches in Beaufort County. She spoke on the topic of assessment of writing. She asked, “How can we help our students become critical readers and writers?” Robin related how to use the state standards and support documents to inform instruction in writing. She showed a kindergarten teacher and her students conferencing about writing. Robin shared supportive handouts on the topic of writing assessment for grades k-5.

More than 50 were in attendance. Door prizes, refreshments, great information and lots of good conversation among colleagues was shared by all. We look forward to more great meetings, as well as community projects and one sure-to-be fantastic conference this year. We hope you'll jump in and "dig into literacy" with us.